Approval of the Minutes for December 9 , 2024
2. Approval and release on May 8, 2023 Non-Public Minutes - Litchfield Fire Chief
Upon review of the the contract with the Fire Chief, it was found the minutes from the Non-public renegotiating the terms of the Contract were sealed. Since there was a motion made to approve the contract the motion should have been made in public session and recorded.
Please make a motion to unseal the minutes so the motion may be properly recorded . The contract within your consent should be properly signed. This was an error and should have been done at your meeting on May 22, 2023.
3. 2035 -2030 Town of Litchfield Capital Improvement Plan Presentation - Chair Croteau
2035 -2030 Town of Litchfield Capital Improvement Plan Presentation
4. Recreation Commission - Darrah Pond Dock
4. A. George Lavash, Darrah Dock Installation
B. Judy Brennen Grant request, Darrah Dock
Town Administrator Note:
Please note the Terms: For the Flagship or the Demonstration Grant, the organization agrees to carry and maintain comprehensive general liability and professional liability in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) and workers’ compensation insurance in an amount as required by applicable law covering all personnel engaged in the execution of the grant.
We will need a certificate of Insurance for anyone working on this project.
This item requires a Motion by the Board of Selectmen to approve the Recreation Commission drafting and submitting a proposal to the AARP Community Challenge for the Darrah Dock project. All copies of proposals and documentation must be filed with the Town Administrator & Finance Director per policy.
5. Chief Jones - Proposed Police Prosecutor Contract
Motion : I make a motion to approve the contract between the Town of Litchfield - Police Department and Jason D. Moore, Esq. for Municipal Prosecutor Services for the period of September 1, 2025 to August 31, 2028.
6. Road Agent Brown
2025 Transfer Station & Highway Department Paving Project & Related encumbrances - please see motions in document below.
7. Stop Sign at the intersection of Century and Albuquerque - Road Agent Brown
8. 2024 Encumbrances
See attached sheet
Motion: I make a motion to approve the encumbrances totaling $176,461.42 from the accounts listed on the attached spreadsheet "2024 Encumbrances" for the purposes identified.
9. Purchase Order and Contract with LHS Associates for the Purchase of 2 Imagecast Voting Machines as approved in the 2024 budget for $13,000.
Motion: I make a motion to approve the purchase order and contract with LHS Associates in the amount of $13,000 for the purchase of 2 Imagecast Voting Machines.
10. A. New Police Station Proposal Update - Engagement Letter for Town Administrator to engage Bond Council. Same council that handled Fire Bond. See Attached. Please make a motion to approve the contract with Devine, Millimet & Branch Professional Association for Bond Counsel Services and to use existing Impact Fees for this purpose.
10 B. Updates & Open House from Chief Jones
11. Warrant Article Draft Discussion/ 2025 Budget Updates
12/19/2024 - Budget Committee Update Plice Chief spoke to $25,000 Overtime cut
Budget remained the same - no actions
Budget now $8,287,429, now $44,562
under the Cap
Default - $8,160,158
Unassigned Fund Balance, 2024 Unspent Fund, and additional revenue. Items for consideration.
Process : As outlined in the Memo below, working with Bond counsel we are following the process from the 2017-2018 Bond for the Fire Station
Tentaive Date for the Bond Public Public Hearing - January 14, 2024, 7 pm at Campbell High School
January Newsletter will feature Proposed New Police Station
2025 Townhall hours - notice has been published on website, FB, to Boards, staff and Transfer station sign
The, Pennichuck East Utility, Inc., Pittsfield Aqueduct Company, and Pennichuck Water Works, Inc. (collectively, the Joint Petitioners) January 2, 2025 status conference is cancelled
2025 Board and Commission Meetings with the Board of Selectmen - schedule is below.
Board of Selectmen / Board & Commission Updates
*To be held monthly, beginning December 23, 2024
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven G. Gannon
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Robert F. Leary Sr.
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.
Planning Board Representative - Kevin Lynch
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - John Brunelle
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - John Brunelle
Energy Committee - John Brunelle
Economic Development Committee - Kimberly M. Queenan